leftie Sienna Moonfire Designs: Pacific Coast Picture Stories * Website Creation & Maintenance

Sienna Moonfire Designs

Pacific Coast Picture Stories
Website Creation & Maintenance


Pippin: gotta hobbit

posted 19 November 2004

puppy picture stories

slide shows at tyV

Jughandle #53: self-portrait with family -- photo by Sienna M Potts, Jughandle Headlands, 16 November 2004
Jughandle #53: self-portrait with family
16 November 2004

Pippin makes a great photographer's dog * we both like it best when he can be off leash but when he's on leash he's pretty good about waiting while i take a picture * he seems to understand that pulling my arm leads to an upset mommy & nobody likes an upset mommy so he sits down to wait ...most of the time * of course it's his motion that provides almost half of my inspiration *

c'm'ere #13 -- photo by Sienna M Potts, Caspar Headlands, 20 October 2004
c'm'ere #13
20 October 2004
sit #14 -- photo by Sienna M Potts, Caspar Headlands, 20 October 2004
sit #14
20 October 2004

our home beach, destination of our easiest walk out across the headlands, is junk beach -- or glass beach, depending upon whom you ask * after years of calling it junk beach my sister & i discovered that our parents had a name for it too * (i remember another place we were proud to name on our own, the lovely Silver Creek in Oregon * turned out we got that one right so i guess we musta heard it before naming it but that didn't make the name any less perfect) * the water on some days is so crystal clear that i've resolved to get a wetsuit so i can get in there with him * some days it's still too but those rocks & those waves can get mean at the drop of a hat (that ocean was named on a rare day 'cause it ain't pacific) * not to mention the shark attack just up the coast a bit -- a guy out 100 feet from shore, diving for abalone in 15 feet of water...

first swim #58 -- photo by Sienna, 4 August 2004
first swim #58
4 August 2004
first swim #64: gorgeous water at junk beach -- photo by Sienna, 4 August 2004
first swim #64
4 August 2004

first swim #26: Pippin fetches kelp -- photo by Sienna, 4 August 2004
first swim #26: Pippin fetches kelp
4 August 2004

after the walk 7 -- photo by Sienna, 4 August 2004
after the walk 7
4 August 2004

nothing sends off a day in the proper way like a little game of hurtle, maybe a couple rounds of body slam...

hurtle 7 (self-portrait) -- photo by Sienna, Caspar Headlands, 28 August 2004
hurtle 7 (self-portrait)
28 August 2004

ways that Pippin is like the hobbit:
* he's always concerned about second breakfast
* he has big hairy feet
* he seldom wears shoes (he has been known to wear a slipper on his nose)
* he's a total fool (but an honest fool)
* he's got a goofy loveable face
* he's intensely loyal but also makes new friends everywhere he goes
* he likes to go walking, but home is best of all
* he loves to sleep in a nice soft bed
* his speech is very rustic
* he squeals like a girl (just like Billy/Pippin does several times in the movies

ways that Pippin is not like the hobbit:
* he doesn't really smoke too much, Pip
* he doesn't like beer either
* he swims like he was bred for it (funny, that)
* he'll never be able to have 13 babies (in fairness, that was Sam -- as far as i've read Pippin only had the one he named Faramir)
* he's missing his Merry
* he makes a lot of noise walking through the woods
* he doesn't sing (well, not exactly)


leftie first swim #61 -- photo by Sienna, 4 August 2004
unless otherwise noted, entire website (design, words & images)
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