leftie Sienna Moonfire Designs: Pacific Coast Picture Stories * Website Creation & Maintenance

Sienna Moonfire Designs

Pacific Coast Picture Stories
Website Creation & Maintenance



Buying a book is a Political Act

a guest column from the book lovers of the Caspar Institute

If you can, buy our recommended books at your local independent bookseller. Your intellectual freedom, as well as our well-being, depends on it.

We live in an era of global corporatism. In the publishing business, this means predatory marketing practices, ruinous integration, and loss of editorial diversity. Above all, we at Sienna Moonfire Designs don't want to aggravate the problem. Monopolistic ownership invites censorship, control of book content, profiteering, and pandering to narrow commercial interests. Let's think carefully before voting with our dollars.

To find the
Book Sense
store nearest
you, enter
your Zipcode

Use Book Sense! Go local!As we said, absolutely the best way to buy a book is from your local independent bookstore. If it is in stock, you will walk out with it in hand; if it isn't, you may order the book and (anywhere in the United States and many developed countries) expect to have it within a week, often within 48 hours. You will most likely pay the book's full price, but you invest in preservation of a neighbor's business, full payment to the author, and the knowledge that author and neighbor will take care to write and stock the books you need.

In Association with Amazon.com

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A growing number of readers prefer to shop on-line. Of the several available on-line book services, our experience indicates that Amazon.com is most satisfactory; Sienna Moonfire Designs and Amazon enjoy a mutually supportive relationship (proceeds from Amazon sales support the Sienna Moonfire Designs website) that we believe is good for denizens, book producers (aka authors) and for the many new readers who find important books through Amazon.

Before you buy from Amazon, however, we urge you to consider making your book purchases at your local independent booksellers. Click here to search for a bookstore near you.

We thank you for reading this polemic.

    -- the book lovers
        of the
Caspar Institute
        & Sienna Moonfire Designs


leftie Sienna Moonfire Designs: Pacific Coast picture stories and website creation
Michael & Sienna Potts, websters
this page copyright © 2002-2004 by the Caspar Institute
reprinted by permission
unless otherwise noted, entire website (design, words & images)
copyright © 2001-2024 Sienna M Potts
all rights reserved, thank you