leftie Sienna Moonfire Designs: Pacific Coast Picture Stories * Website Creation & Maintenance

Sienna Moonfire Designs

Pacific Coast Picture Stories
Website Creation & Maintenance

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last updated 19 March 2006

random favorites (sampler)

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"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds."
-- Edward Abbey
Stirring the Cauldron: moondark kitchen notes
Jessica Prentice has a passion for food, including local and seasonal, traditional and cultural, organic and sustainable, creative and homemade.

Green Living Journal: a practical journal for friends of the environment

The Lord of the Rings: what with that b-e-a-utiful cast & the resonance of that story the website's pretty fun too

New Zealand: speaking of Middle-earth, seeing New Zealand is well worth it

Perceval Press: poetic justice by Viggo Mortensen

Visual Thesaurus: a lovely way to find that perfect word

Tarot.com: tarot, I-Ching, numerology & astrology (lots of free readings)

Free Will Astrology: from the delightfully irreverent Rob Brezsny

Million for Marriage: make love not war!

The Meatrix: Fight Factory Farms! a very cute (but not light!) flash movie

Tex's Riverways: a fantastic river outfitting service out of Moab, Utah * get yourself out on the Green River!

Farmed and Dangerous: why you should think twice about eating farmed salmon

Abundant Life Seed Foundation: educating seed growers and supporting an effective seed distribution network to promote the genetic diversity of plants

Garlic Seed Foundation: an informal organization of growers and eaters of Allium sativum dedicated to its consumption & production

Winged Migration: an absolutely gorgeous movie
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Bear Trust International: working for wild bears and wildlife

River Smart: learn to be RiverSmart -- river tips to help you make lasting changes to improve our rivers and drinking water supply

Sorry Everybody: an apology to the world from half of the US

ReThink Paper: ecological paper options and paper-use reduction tips ("tool box" requires a registration)

Batdorf & Bronson: delicious coffee roasted in Oly (mail order nationally)

North Coast Brewing: my hometown brew, just North of Caspar


leftie my new best friend, named for the delightful, loveable character from the Lord of the Rings -- click for the picture story
unless otherwise noted, entire website (design, words & images)
copyright © 2001-2024 Sienna M Potts
all rights reserved, thank you