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the Obsession Chronicles"There's something liberating about not pretending.
Dare to embarrass yourself. Risk." posted 3 March 2004 | ||
getting what they deservesunlight shining through the trees at Bald Hill
how 'bout those hobbits, hey? wow... all the press about how the Lord of the Rings was going to rule them all at the Oscars had me a little worried * i'm not saying the other movies weren't good but i was gonna be mad if Peter Jackson didn't get best director at the least * i needn't have worried! wow, all 11! incredible * i would have given away at least one of those awards (best song to A Mighty Wind & maybe costume design to Girl with a Pearl Earring) but i cheered at every announcement (annoying my anti-hobbit neighbor so much he left!) & i think they deserved every single one, for the Return of the King & for the whole trilogy together * what an accomplishment -- by 25,000 people!
in other news, Pippin & i discovered an incredible, wonderful, huge park just a bit west of town & i'm aching to get my work finished & head back out there (even though my legs are already sore from our long hike yesterday!) * what with my little scottish love on tv tonight, my mom's (early!) birthday gift to read, & my folks coming up this weekend (after i meet them in Ashland for some plays), life is good & spring is on the way! |
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making lists: about this pagelast updated 10 January 2004
the stunning movie The Pillow Book is the inspiration for this ever-evolving page of lists * there are lots of links mixed in on my lists -- if i could find a good link on any item, i included it * some links go straight to or the IMDb but watch that bottom status bar because there are some other great links hidden in there * if you're interested in a little history, follow the story behind this page on the one that came before it, otherwise, click on for more rambling words and lists of beloved things -- is that an oxymoron?
the lists below may look the same but they change every time i update the page * not all of them every time, but all of them over time * as it's a new year i'm going to give them another thorough going over, keep my mind moving on to new obsessions, even though i don't completely let go of the old ones *
the 2 spots at top i'll keep -- they're always changing & besides, they please me (i'm the only audience for these pages for all i know, so why not?) * my horrorscope: i'm a woo-woo type, part pagan, so why not revel in it? & the hotties in the movies: what's life without some tasty crushes? i try to keep the list short, but when i really fall for somebody it's usually because of a generous genuine nature & then i never want to take him&her off my list * like Viggo, like Salma * i saw the elvin Cate Blanchett on Inside the Actors Studio & wow... she said "It has to be a generous act" about really giving herself to a performance emotionally, going all out as she does * the generosity of creative expression is one of my favorite concepts, the one i've begun the last 2 years with (see Viggo for last year, & Brezsny for this) * see, it's all connected * |
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my horrorscope this week
(for the week of 4 March 2004): Do you ever feel an urge to kiss trees? Do animals sometimes talk to you? Can you predict the future by divining the way corn flakes float in the last puddle of milk in your bowl? Do you have a special fascination with chocolate roosters, statues of pro wrestlers, and conspiracy theories? Have you ever fantasized of being a transsexual spy? Are there patterns that resemble constellations on the soles of your feet? If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, you're most likely an extraterrestrial who has amnesia or is in disguise. The upcoming week will be fantastic because events will remind you of life on your home planet. If you answered no to four or more questions, you're probably not an alien, but for maximum comfort you should act like one this week.
angel cards i just drew:
obedience delight inspiration how am i doing?
yes! yes! the next 4 are silly questions (Brezsny's specialty is silly) but i can say yes to the last, unless it might be better just to act like an alien? i don't feel i'm from another planet, but from this earth, very much * i discovered a park this week that put a smile on my face that went down to the soul -- nature is the best cure for anything * as for the cards, i am doing my best to obey both delight & inspiration (& i'd say it's working out pretty well!) * barn view at Bald Hill
my favorite onscreen crushes:
the boys
& the girls
the best movies i've seen lately:
movies i want to see next:
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what music is playing:
what i am reading:
green #13 (for Viggo)
my favorite dream this week:
i met my big crush, the little hobbit Billy Boyd who played Pippin's namesake * first he told me "Sienna, you really can't get what you want" & i don't even remember what i told him i wanted but for such a happy-go-lucky type to seem so certainly pessimistic made me really sad * but then he gave me his lucky hat! the rattiest stocking cap i've ever seen, well-loved & obviously lucky so my spirits soared back up & i woke up feeling as if i'd met my guardian angel in another form * my favorite dream last week:
okay so my boyfriends are all onscreen right now... & i'm fine with that, if you wanna know the truth * so speaking of guardian angels, last week i had a wonderful simple dream where i met my favorite crush/idol Viggo * he just passed behind me & we said hi to eachother but i put out my hand (my left) & he took it (his left) lightly, warmly, generously just for a moment as he walked by... sigh * it doesn't matter if i meet him, he gives me hope just by being * i fall asleep to his readings of Blake, Swift & his own work, mixed in with wonderful songs by 3 of the hobbits, who came along one day for a lark (what hobbits!) & ended up with the ever-smiling Half Fling * when i take my walks with Pip sometimes i see things that i think he would like, like the vibrant green lichen to the left * someday i'd like to show him some of them, but for now i'll just follow his lead & be creative just because i like it *
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birds at my feeders this week:
old barn on Bald Hill
my answers to those questions he always asks on Inside the Actors Studio are as follows (today):
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animal friends:
Pippin & i have gone for long walks in our new favorite park for the last couple of days & i am sore & happy * i finally discovered Bald Hill & the place puts a smile on my face & in my heart * Pippin gets to run around off leash so i'm sure he feels the same way -- he sleeps like a rock when we get home, that's for sure! i've taken a ton of pics (some of which you can see on this page) & as soon as i take care of some paying clients i'll put up a new slide show *
happy puppy
click for more puppy pics |
sayings i live by:
not all boys grow up to be men *
ain't nothin' like the real thing baby * just because something is possible doesn't mean you get to have it * home sweet home * fake it till you make it * we're all connected * all things in moderation * embrace the dark side * use it or lose it * love it or leave it * the answer's usually both * nobody's just anybody * regrettin' shit is a waste of time * i'd rather regret som'm i did than som'm i didn't * one door never closes without another one opening * there are no innocents * damn, we're in a tight spot * |
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Sienna Moonfire Designs Pacific Coast Picture Stories Website Creation & Maintenance last updated 14 October 2005 :: 11:02 am Caspar (Pacific) time click to email: sienna m potts | ||
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